Quizify AI Tool: Generate Courses and Quizs on Any Topic Using AI

Today’s article is for Learners, it doesn’t matter what age you are? 

Whether you are 15 years old or 50 ? With this AI tool, you will not only learn but can check your improvement through Quizzes. The AI tool is— Quizify.

What is Quizify?

Quizify is an AI tool that generates quizzes on the topic you ask for. Not only quizzes but provide you the whole detail about the topic you want.

Usually, when we decide to learn something, what is the process? 

First, we collect notes, browse over the internet, then study. After that we check our knowledge. But with Quizify, you can stop worrying about collecting information manually. This quiz making AI tool does the whole work for you. You just have to study.

Step by Step Process

Here we will learn step by step process how to use Quizify AI tool—

Step 1-  Google Quizify ai or directly click on the link https://quizify.com/.

Step 2- Select from the option, What you want? Course, Lesson + Quiz or only Quiz. Then type Topic which you want after that click on generate Course/ Lesson/ Quiz. (Let’s say Solar System)

  • Course- Your First option is Course where it will provide all the detailed topics of the course. Once your course is made, start learning after that and take a quiz.
  • Lesson+Quiz- It will directly start with Lesson without showing you the detailed course.
  • Only Quiz- With only Quiz, you have two options— Topic and Text. With Topic you can directly start the quiz and with Text you can text ideas like blog articles, news, paragraph etc. Then the quiz will be generated.

An outline around that typed topic is generated in a few minutes as shown below:

Step 3-  Click on “Generate.” 

Step 4- Click on “Lesson” to start the lessons. It appears as text with emojis, which you can read and understand the content. Click on next to read more.

And, then click on “Quiz” to start taking the quiz. 

Step 5- After taking Quiz, you can retake the Quiz, share with friends or Generate new Quiz.


With this AI tool, you can learn about any topic. Its very useful for high school students or primary school students. It makes the learning far for easier and interesting.

 Anybody can use this tool whether it is a student, teacher or parent. Don’t let your age restrict your learning.

Now learning gets fun with AI.

Don’t forget to check more tools and let us know in the comments about what you think about Quizify. 

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