If you are a research scholar, you must be well acquainted with the sheer amount of time that goes into researching even a single lead. Students who have to write multiple academic papers in a year would need to spend months on months researching various articles and journals, looking for the best references and citations.
What if we told you that now, you can use a simple AI tool to accelerate your research process by weeks?
Doesn’t that sound nice, saving months of hard work and getting the results in minutes? Well, with Research Rabbit, all of this is possible and more. Please take a look at this innovative piece of tech, its features, prices, and how to use it effectively for your research paper.
Let’s go!
What is Research Rabbit AI Tool?
Research Rabbit is a revolution in the field of academic research. Using AI-powered algorithms, this tool simplifies the academic research process by compiling all the information available on any topic and making it accessible to students and scholars in a way that is visually intuitive and conducive.
The idea behind the tool is basic: it helps to work as a research assistant for all the needs and requirements that must be fulfilled to write an effective and educational paper or article.
Even in this day and age, students find it difficult to find the correct source materials that will add weight to their research paper. With Research Rabbit, all of these problems become a thing of the past.
Take a look at some of the interesting features that the software provides!

Features of Research Rabbit:
These are some of the features that users can experience with Research Rabbit:
1. Paper Collections and Categories
Students and scholars can create different categories on the platform, helping to keep their workflow organized and systematic. Users can create paper collections by adding any research article they find and further categorizing them according to search terms for easy access later on.
2. Interactive Visualisations
The software displays all search results and relevant details, such as citations and related authors, in a visually captivating manner, making the whole process highly intuitive for use. With Research Rabbit, even a beginner can conduct efficient and foolproof research on any given topic.
3. Collaborative Teamwork
If more than one person is working on a project, users can easily collaborate amongst themselves by sharing the entire collection with a simple invite. Scholars can brainstorm amongst themselves and come up with unique and better solutions to problems that they never thought of.
How to use Research Rabbit to research any academic or random topic?
Follow these simple steps given below to start researching any problem or relevant topic that you want:
Step 1: Visit https://researchrabbitapp.com/ and click on Sign Up to create your account.
Step 2: Provide the relevant details to create your Research Rabbit account.
Step 3: Once the dashboard opens up, click on Add Papers, and you will be asked to type in the required topic. You may enter a keyword, paper title, or even a (Digital Object Identifier) DOI, whichever you prefer.

Step 4: Once done, click on Search, and you will get all relevant papers related to a topic or keyword. If you have entered a specific DOI, only that paper will open up. You can save this for later by clicking on Add to Collection.

Step 5: You may now start conducting your research on the topic. Click on any of the papers, and a dialog box appears with the relevant paper text displayed. You can copy the text or read it then and there.

Step 6: For further research, there are a few salient options given. The first option is Similar Work, which will open up research papers and articles that have similar keywords and topics.

Step 7: If you wish to view the instances where any particular paper has been cited in other papers, you can view them when you click on All Citations.

Step 8: However, the best thing is that once you open up another paper by another author, or even the same one, these options appear again. This gives you the chance to dive into an endless maze of research articles, each loosely connected to the other, aiding you to write a well-documented and extensive research article.

Research Rabbit is completely free to use for any person looking to conduct research. Users need to create a simple account on the platform with their email account and provide a few details like name, work, institution, and so on.
Once done, the platform is ready for use.
READ MORE: Learn more about Elicit AI Research Tool
That was a little about Research Rabbit and its features and how-to. In no way does this do justice to the immense scope and potential of this rather simple AI tool. Research Rabbit is sure to become a highly requested research tool in no time, primarily due to the ease of access and service quality that it provides.
So, stop thinking and go to Research Rabbit today to get the best references and citations that will make your research deadlines a lot easier to achieve!